Akagera Park to Ban Single-Use Plastics Starting June 1

Akagera National Park management announced a ban on single-use plastic items within park premises starting June 1, 2024. The initiative aims to maintain the park’s cleanliness and promote environmental sustainability.

Single-use plastics pose significant environmental hazards. They are not biodegradable, leading to long-term pollution of land and water bodies. Wildlife can ingest plastic waste, resulting in serious health issues or death. Furthermore, the production and disposal of single-use plastics contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change.

Rwanda has been at the forefront of environmental protection efforts in Africa. The country implemented a nationwide ban on plastic bags in 2008 and has continued to enforce strict regulations on plastic use. Rwanda’s commitment to environmental sustainability has earned it recognition as one of the cleanest nations on the continent.

Visitors to Akagera National Park are encouraged to support the ban by bringing refillable water bottles and using 20-liter returnable bottles instead of single-use plastic ones. Additionally, they should pack lunches in reusable Tupperware containers rather than plastic wrapping or tin foil.

Management urges all visitors to share this news and support the effort to keep Akagera clean and green.